
Launch of “Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive”

A Collcetive Commentary on the new Package Travel Directive, a joint project in two volumes, will be presented in an online ceremony on 21 October. In the first volume, more than 30 authors from different EU Member States comment on the provisions of the Directive, while the second part contains articles on the implementation of the Directive in the Member States. The book provides a Europe-wide overview of the new package travel law, sheds light on it from a variety of perspectives and thus contributes to a supranational understanding, which is of particular importance due to the fully harmonising nature of the Directive. All authors are proven experts in travel law. Michael Wukoschitz of Kornfeld Wukoschitz Cernochova was invited to contribute a commentary on Article 14 of the Directive and on the implementation of the Directive in the Austrian Package Travel Act (PRG).

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