Dr. Michael Wukoschitz

- Attorney at Law (in Austria) since 1996
- Assistant Director of POLYTOURS Travel Agency 1988-1998
- President of International Forum of Travel and Tourism Advocates (IFTTA) 2008-2016
- Austria Correspondent of the travel law journal “ReiseRecht aktuell“
- Co-Editor of the International Journal of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law (IJTTHL)
- Travel- and Tourism Law
- Aviation Law
- Accommodation Law
- IP-Law
- Copyright Law
- Unfair Trade Practices
- Advertisement
- Media Law
- Life Sciences
- International Purchase of Goods
- Trade Law
- Dispute Resolution
- German
- English
- Spanish (Basic)
- University of Vienna / Faculty of Law (ULG Tourism and Law)
- Vienna University of Applied Sciences (Bachelor’s programme in Tourism Management)
- MCI Management Center Innsbruck (Master’s programme Entrepreneurship & Tourism)
- University of Girona (European Master Tourism Management)
- ERA Academy of European Law (Summer Course on European Consumer Law)
- University of Applied Sciences Joanneum Bad Gleichenberg (Master Course International Hospitality & Spa Management)
- TISC Tourism International Scientific Conference
- Karlsbad Lawyers’ Days
- European Tourism Forum
- Austrian Media Academy
- and at various intl. Associations (UNWTO, DACH, IFTTA, DGfR etc.).
- Vienna Bar Association
- Viennese Judicial Association (WJG)
- European Lawyers Association (DACH)
- German Bar Association (DAV)
- German Association for Travel Law (DGfR)
- Intl Forum of Travel & Tourism Advocates (IFTTA)
- Intl Travel Law Network (ITLN)
- European Air Law Association (EALA)
- Austrian Association for Industrial Property and Copyright Law (ÖV)
- Intl Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
- Intl League of Competition Law (LIDC)
- Working Group of Publishing House Counsels (AGVJ)
- European Law Institute (ELI)
- Austrian League for Human Rights
- Travel Industry Club
- The Montreal Convention as part of European Union law and its interpretation by the CJEU, Revista General de Derecho de Turismo No. 7 Junio 2023
- An air passenger’s unfortunate fall down the stairs and an ‘accidental’ decision of the CJEU, IJTTHL 2023 (Pre-Print)
- Competition Issues in Air Ticket Sales through Global Distribution Systems – Distribution Cost Charge and Location Dependant Ticket Prices: Analysis of an Austrian Supreme Court Decision (in Torres, Competition Law in Tourism, ISBN: 978-989-9066-02-1)
- Tour Organisers and Suppliers: Partner or Opponents in the Crisis? (in Torres/Melgosa Arcos, The Legal Impacts of Covid-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, ISBN: 978-989-9066-03-8)
- Commentary on Articles 3 (defintions) and 14 (price reduction and compensation for damages) of Directive (EU) 2015/2302, in Torres ea (Editors), Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive [2020]
- full list of publications>>